What water meter should be installed?
What water meter should be installed?

What water meter should be installed?

When we try to install a measurement instrument, it is because we want to make a reliable and useful measurement so that we can later apply that determination to the apportionment of consumption, cost evaluation or simply volume control used within a period.

For this type of control there are two types of meters, within the group of mechanical ones, most used according to the type of construction.

Monojet meter

Possessing a smaller body and dimensions, it is usually more economical, at the expense of absorbing more pressure energy from the flowing water. It is more sensitive at low flow rates, but is more exposed to mechanical wear as a result of its compact design.

Multijet meter

Its body is larger, therefore it works in a less demanding way and consequently with greater durability. In contrast to Monojet meters, they consume less water pressure energy, but their sensitivity to low flow rates tends to be less over time.

Some types of gauges have their integrator "dry" (isolated from water), so that interference with the reading caused by rust, limescale or the presence of slime that is deposited in the odometer is avoided, preventing the reading).

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